PC mags I like the most

When I’m interested in finding out all the latest in the computing world, I look for computer world magazine so I can get the skinny on all the latest news and developments. There are many areas of the computing world which interest me. Sometimes I get caught up in all the latest in online music developments with a computer music magazine. I can find out who is coming out with the freshest new albums, who is getting signed to what label, who is self producing, who is dating who, who just got arrested, who is causing what drama where, and anything else crazy that might (and most likely is) going on in the music world. I can’t help it, I love the drama, and reading all the latest definitely fills that gossip void in me.
Sometimes I just wanna sit down with a first person shooter and lose myself for the next 8 hours saving the free world from some terrorist threat. Game Pro magazine gives me all the latest in everything in the gaming industry. From the newest releases to the all the hottest gossip over what’s coming soon, I can get everything I need from Game Pro. Not only are there reviews of all the latest games and rumors and reports of games in development, but there is also tips and cheats for games I might have a problem with. Nothing can be more frustrating than trying to beat that one level in a game, and being able to get a little bit of extra help when I need it sure does help.
Computer world magazine gives me all the latest news in the world of computing, from product reviews electronics, new concepts, possible future designs, and reviews of current systems that are out. Computerworld magazine gives me access to all the latest breaking news in the computing field so I can be at the top of my game. Computer world magazine, I couldn’t compete without it.
This pcmag review I seem to be doing here might sound a bit contrived, but in reality, these mags have been very important to my level of knowledge in these three areas. Computer world magazine really does keep me up to date on the developments in the technology field, and the same can be said of game pro and the music mag. They help keep me on my toes.